Coffee to buy in Malaysia - Strawberry Premium Roast from CAMERON HIGHLANDS

Wonder what coffee to purchase when travelling in Malaysia?
Hazelnut coffee? Mocha coffee? Latte coconut coffee?
Nah, instead of that, why not try this out? 
Strawberry cappuccino coffee πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
It is a souvenir bought by my family, as they know I am a ⛾ lover. 
I was pretty excited when I saw the packaging - a delicate black box. 
This is how it looks. 

I guess this is the brand that produces strawberry flavour coffee. 
I never saw it sells in the supermarket. 
If anyone is interested to buy, you might need to go over to Cameron Highlands or get Malaysian friends to help with the purchase. 
This is how it looks. No external decoration with coffee powder packaging inside silver colour sachet. 

The ingredients are listed below: normal ingredients of three in one coffee.

The colour looks exactly the same like three in one coffee again. 
It has a strong strawberry smell.
Don't worry about the taste is as sweet as the strawberry.
It does not taste very sweet like three in one coffee should be. 
It is prone to moderate caffeine taste
Personally, I prefer less sweet coffee and this is one of them. 

As for the price, I am not sure about it. 
The price might range from RM10 - RM20 (US$2 - US$5) for one box (ten sachets). 

To conclude, Strawberry Premium Roast can be a great choice that gives different aroma ✌
If you like the product, do support our Malaysian coffee!
I would leave the link here:
